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Open Since June 1st 2020
Hours of Operation
12-6pm Everyday
Closed Holidays
Regina's Premier Body Piercing Studio
Our piercers have over 10 years professional piericing experience!
522-510 Victoria Ave East. Regina, Sk.
Prickly Pear Piercing Studio offers professional body piercing services, jewelry changes and piercing after care products at comparable prices. We perform all piercings with single use sterile needles and titanium jewelry that has been sterilized in an autoclave.
Photo I.D. is required for every piercing. No Exceptions.
Under 16 years old must bring a Parent/Legal Guardian.
We only pierce ear lobe and cartilage for children under 14 years of age.
We are a welcoming inclusive environment and pierce all ages and orientations. Everyone is welcome at Prickly Pear, however there are age requirements. Under 16 years of age requires parental consent for all piercings. For genital piercings the requirement is 18 years of age.
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